Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today is my baby's birthday. He is 10 years old today, and for some reason this one made me feel a bit tearful... He has spent the day with his Granny because I have to work (one of the perks of being a working mom) but I know he has had a lovely day with my Mom.

My darling little Donny - soon I won't be able to call you that anymore..

You are such a precious gift to me. So full of love and cuddles and smiles an laughter. You have made being a mommy such a pleasure and I can almost not believe that you are 10 years old already - I just blinked and you got big.

I so wish I could have been with you today and celebrated your 10th Birthday, I have thought of you all day and missed you more than usual today.

You make me happy, you make me laugh and I don't know what I ever did to be blessed with such a wonderful, precious little boy.

Happy birthday my precious!!


lulu said...

OMW.......never is he really 10 already I can't believe it either! Happy Birthday!!

AngelConradie said...

Happy happy 10th birthday Donovan!